When I’m excited about your business and what you’re doing, I find ways to promote it in any way I can. And, when I’m out and about and talking about what you do, sometimes it leads to others getting excited about it too. For example, I was at a radio event for KFMB Jack FM radio. They had recently acquired the DSC (Dave, Shelly and Chainsaw) franchise that was previously on KGB-FM. The DSC is a morning show that offers, humor, paradies and skits during the drive time hours of 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. I met Shawn Styles (KFMB-TV meteorologist) and his wife Molly there who like to go out wine tasting so I told them that I was working with the San Diego Vintner’s Association to help promote the local wineries. After following up with Molly, a few days later Shawn called to say he wanted to do a story on some of the local wineries. The result, a 6:30 p.m. news segment on channel 8 that featured Cordiano and Orfila wineries. To realize the value of that contact and story consider a :30 ad during that time can cost about $1,000 so the two minute story had a value of about $4,000! Watch segment here.